Chocolate Mousse

chocolate mousse

Life’s uncertain, post dessert first!

A lot of people won’t try to tackle chocolate mousse because it seems too difficult. Not you, of course, you’ve been champing at the bit to whip up a batch for dessert, and so we’ll provide the easiest recipe we know. It comes from Dorie Greenspan’s Around my French Table.

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Worth the trouble?

Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Pie

With the holiday season upon us, we, like you, get invited to various parties. Most seem to center around food, and they are often potluck-type affairs, which allows us to taste a bunch of new things and maybe get ideas for future dinners. At the very least, we get some really good food, and we try to bring the same. To the party we attended yesterday, we brought a Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Pie. We like it because it’s pretty easy, travels well, and it’s a bit different from most casseroles. And it’s really tasty, too.

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Worth the trouble?

Chard Pie

As we move into the cooler months, we start getting cool weather crops from the CSA. Things like kale, collards, mizuna, tatsoi, and chard. After five years of being with the CSA we’ve gone from “what is that? And what are we going to do with it?” to “Great to get kale again! Let’s make kale chips!” We never had the former problem with chard. It’s a lot like spinach, and a simple steaming or sauté will make it into a nice side. But sometimes it’s nice if it stands out, as it does in chard pie.

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Worth the trouble?


Frittatas make quick easy dinners, especially when you can’t think of anything else. The best thing is that frittatas are so flexible in terms of ingredients that you can almost always put one together. With that in mind, take the following more as a starting point for your own frittata. Don’t like squash? Use sweet potatoes, instead. Out of mushrooms? Toss in a bit of broccoli. No cream? Use milk, or even omit. Like it  hot and spicy? Add a jalapeño. Basically, put in what you have and what you like.

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Worth the trouble?