Two-Potato Casserole

two-potato casserole

Years ago, we read in the National Geographic that there are over a thousand varieties of potatoes. A thousand! Who knew? And then to top it off, the same article stated that one could get all the nutrition one needs from potatoes and milk. We’re pretty sure that the same article said that potatoes were the tastiest food ever. Okay, so we made up that last bit, but we happen to be real potato fans. And, they are tasty!

Of late, we’ve been getting sweet potatoes and red potatoes in our CSA share, so we wanted some way to use them both. Enter the Two-Potato Casserole. Continue reading “Two-Potato Casserole”

Worth the trouble?

Potato Gnocchi

gnocchi in pesto-cream

Before we quick whipped up a batch of gnocchi, we checked on the Internet for a few tips about gnocchi. While we’ve made it before, it never hurts to see if there are some good ideas out there.

And, we found ideas that seemed break down into three categories: 1) gnocchi is really difficult; so difficult that many people are afraid even to try making it, or that they tried and it was a disaster so they won’t try again; 2) to make gnocchi, you need one of the following: grater, grinder, ricer, dicer, shredder, masher, or some other specialized device to mash the potatoes correctly; and, 3) some ritual involving the cooking method of the potatoes: baked, boiled, boiled in salted water, boiled after being halved, hopping on one foot while the potatoes cool, etc.

We’re going to address all three of these in our gnocchi. To resolve the fear of disaster, we suggest that you put on steel-toed boots, ear protection, and safety goggles. Just kidding! Remember they are nothing but small potato dumplings and try again; we’ll attempt to give you a few tips as we work through this recipe. Specialized equipment? Bah. People have been making gnocchi for hundreds of years. In all kinds of conditions and kitchens. In fact, go rent La Strada and watch the background and let us know if you think there were many ricers available when that movie was filmed. And, to show you that you can make great gnocchi without anything special, we are going to make gnocchi with a knife, fork, and bowl. Actually, the bowl is optional; you could just use your counter. And as far as cooking goes, we’ll just microwave the potatoes. Sure, Italian grandmothers wouldn’t have a microwave, but the cooking method isn’t important. Continue reading “Potato Gnocchi”

Worth the trouble?

Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Pie

With the holiday season upon us, we, like you, get invited to various parties. Most seem to center around food, and they are often potluck-type affairs, which allows us to taste a bunch of new things and maybe get ideas for future dinners. At the very least, we get some really good food, and we try to bring the same. To the party we attended yesterday, we brought a Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Pie. We like it because it’s pretty easy, travels well, and it’s a bit different from most casseroles. And it’s really tasty, too.

Continue reading “Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Pie”

Worth the trouble?

Potatoes Gratin

This recipe will make you into the rock star of the kitchen. It is that good; we think it’s the best Potatoes Gratin recipe on the planet. Most people think they need to add cheese to make a gratin dish; this recipe shows them that they are wrong, way wrong. The cream with the slight bay flavor pairs just perfectly with the potatoes, and the thyme is just enough to add that little something. We really wish that we could give credit where credit is due, but, unfortunately, we’ve forgotten where we found this recipe.

Dec 5: This recipe came from In the Green Kitchen by Alice Waters.

Continue reading “Potatoes Gratin”

Worth the trouble?