
Coleslaw is such a great side dish; it’s pretty easy to make, almost everyone likes it, and it’s nice and refreshing. Since it is so ubiquitous it seems as though everyone has his or her own favorite recipe, most likely handed down through the generations. We’ll give you ours, even though it is a modified version of one found in At the Kitchen Table, The Craft of Cooking at Home by Greg Atkinson. We think it’s the best. Try it and let us know.

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Worth the trouble?

Khumbi Matar

Khumbi matar is essentially a mushroom and pea curry. When we started searching for Indian recipes, this was one of the first that we wanted to master. It’s nice because you can make a good Indian-style dinner without having to buy too many spices, and it doesn’t need any special cooking techniques. It is from Madhur Jaffrey’s book At Home with Madhur Jaffrey: Simple, Delectable Dishes from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Her books and recipes are great for beginners wanting to try out more exotic fare, and we have found several really tasty recipes and great cooking tips.

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Worth the trouble?


Frittatas make quick easy dinners, especially when you can’t think of anything else. The best thing is that frittatas are so flexible in terms of ingredients that you can almost always put one together. With that in mind, take the following more as a starting point for your own frittata. Don’t like squash? Use sweet potatoes, instead. Out of mushrooms? Toss in a bit of broccoli. No cream? Use milk, or even omit. Like it  hot and spicy? Add a jalapeño. Basically, put in what you have and what you like.

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Worth the trouble?