Pickled Cauliflower and Carrots

cauliflower and carrot pickles
cauliflower and carrot pickles
A week or so, and they’ll be pickled.

We still had half a head of cauliflower in the refrigerator looking for something to do, so we thought: why not pickled cauliflower? One of us likes it. It’s super easy. It even looks pretty. Plus, we just got another bunch of dill from the CSA this week. It seemed a natural fit.

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Sweet and Tangy Glazed Carrots with Cranberries

glazed carrots
glazed carrots
Full of vitamin A!

We needed a side to go with dinner, but the only vegetables in the crisper were carrots and eggplant. So carrots it is, but how to make them? We decided to go with a recipe that we found well over a year ago when we were looking through The Lodge Cast Iron Cookbook, edited by Pam Hoenig. Naturally, the idea of this cookbook is to provide recipes that will get you to break out that cast iron pan (or even buy a new one).

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Worth the trouble?

Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

carrot cake
carrot cake
Carrot cake! It’s good for you! After all, it’s carrots!

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been getting huge carrots in our CSA shares. Each carrot is often over a half pound! That’s one big carrot. You’d think that they’re woody, tough, and kind of flavorless, but, instead, even at this size, they’re sweet and tender. But, we still have the question of what do you do with lots of huge carrots? For a weekend treat, we went with carrot cake.

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Worth the trouble?

Carrot Cake Conserve

Carrot Cake Conserve
Carrot Cake Conserve
Three pints of Carrot Cake Conserve, ready for toast at breakfast.

If you are not a jam maker — we aren’t, but we’re trying — this recipe from Lucy Baker’s book Edible DIY might be a bit daunting. It was to us, but we read that the end result tastes just like carrot cake! Who could resist? Not us, and probably not you. Oh, and while the recipe seems daunting, it’s not so bad. We’ll take it step by step and help you through, so that you, too, can have carrot cake on toast for breakfast.

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Worth the trouble?

Light Coleslaw

cole slaw

In the past, we explained how to make the best Cole Slaw that we’ve ever eaten. It is really good, primarily because of the cup of homemade mayonnaise. You might think, of course, there’s mayonnaise and that can’t be too bad for you, but when you scratch a batch of mayonnaise, you realize that it’s mostly oil. So, that cup of mayonnaise contains about a cup of oil. No wonder it’s good; it contains a billion calories. Tonight, we wanted something a bit lighter, so we came up with our version of a Light Cole Slaw that only uses a bit of oil, and still tastes great!

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Worth the trouble?