Ad Hoc Pickled Cauliflower

ad hoc pickled cauliflower
ad hoc pickled cauliflower
Pretty simple pickles.

We’ll be posting pickles and condiments over the next week or so — all will be pretty easy, and most will be coming from one of our favorite cookbooks, Ad Hoc at Home, by Thomas Keller. This is partly because they were recipes that we wanted to try, but, mainly, it was because we were busy making these things for a small French-style picnic luncheon we were catering. With everything going on during the holiday season, these simple recipes were really lifesavers, just as they were listed in the book.

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Worth the trouble?

Moroccan Carrot Pickle

moroccan carrot pickle

moroccan carrot pickle
Hot carrots!

We’d guess that most people don’t make pickles very much anymore, which is a shame, because they’re often so easy. Now, we’re not talking the pickling that we remember from years ago: the packing of dozens of jars, the making of quarts of brine, the canning and sealing of Mason jars. We’re talking about small-batch pickles, of which you can make just a pint or so, and keep in the refrigerator for a snack. These are easy, and, with just a pint, it’s not that bad if you don’t like them. A case in point is these carrot pickles: we made exactly one pint, mainly because, with some of the ingredients required, we weren’t sure how they’d turn out.

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Real Pickles

making fermented pickles

making fermented pickles
Five minutes of your time and you’ll have a batch of real pickles going.

These are real pickles. Not the kind that you get in a store, but real 100% fermented pickles. The kind your grandparents (or maybe great-grandparents) made or bought. At one time, the method we’ll show was the preferred method for making pickles. But today, almost no one makes pickles with 100% fermentation anymore. Do you want to know why?

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Worth the trouble?

Pickled Cauliflower and Carrots

cauliflower and carrot pickles

cauliflower and carrot pickles
A week or so, and they’ll be pickled.

We still had half a head of cauliflower in the refrigerator looking for something to do, so we thought: why not pickled cauliflower? One of us likes it. It’s super easy. It even looks pretty. Plus, we just got another bunch of dill from the CSA this week. It seemed a natural fit.

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Easy Dill Pickles

dill pickles in the making

We’ve been getting cucumbers nearly every week in our CSA shares, and, while we can eat some of them as toppings for sandwiches, or even as cucumber slices, or a cucumber salad, sometimes we want them turned into pickles. No, not the kind for which you have to slave away in the kitchen, the kind that takes 10 minutes. Really!

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Worth the trouble?

Old Fashion Maine Mustard Pickles


Pickles! In five minutes of work!

Since we just got back from a vacation in Maine, we thought we’d try a dish associated with the Pine Tree State. This is a nice recipe for pickles, especially since it avoids all the downsides of making pickles; you know, the boiling vinegar, the canning jars, the steam from the canning kettle — thinking about all that makes you just want to buy pickles at the store, right? Wrong! As you’ll see.

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Worth the trouble?

Super-Easy Pickles


Pickles seem intimidating, don’t they? Making brine, filling jars, boiling water baths or pressure cookers, spending the whole day in a steamy kitchen. That’s true if you want to make a lot of pickles for storing your harvest, but, if you want to make just a few pickles for eating, they are super-easy. Honest. Fifteen to twenty minutes and the pickles are done. And you have pickles that you’ve scratched yourself. Now that’s what Scratchin’ It is all about!

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Worth the trouble?